Chapter 250 done + Announcement!

Alright, as some of you might know already, we have moved to translationnations! This announcement should’ve come later,  but Ulamog decided to do it ahead of time while I was still asleep >_<

From now on, it’ll be Ulamog posting on TN while I’ll just be doing whatever I want ^_^

We still have some things to sort out (e.g. donations- queue is currently at $20/60, but we’re planning on lowering the donation amount) but we’ll start posting the chapters there at (hopefully) a faster pace. Without further ado then, here’s the announcement post on translationnations, which includes the links to chapter 250 as well as the new GDW index.

I’ll post this here anyway:

Chapter 250, 3rd regular chapter of the week- TLed by Kun, edited by UBPC, DDT, TheNo1Fan and Johnnyxn

As for what this site will now be used for, there will still be some activity on here such as minor announcements, side projects etc, but you’ll find GDW on translationnations starting from now on 🙂


Yes, the time has finally come to recruit!

We are in dire need of editors and translation checkers for God and Devil World, and some extra translators would be nice as well. Proofreaders aren’t needed for now since I normally make one final sweep through the chapter once it’s published, and readers often point out mistakes in the comments anyway.

So, without further ado:


Translators: must be proficient at Chinese and have a decent grasp of English. Can translate a whole chapter.

Editors: Proficient at English. Must be thorough- i.e. editing is much more than just fixing typos and some misused words. Some basic knowledge of Chinese would be an added bonus.

Translation Checkers (TLCers): Must be good at both Chinese and English. TLCers are essentially translators who can double as editors, and so TLCers should also have the ability to translate an entire chapter. TLCers work together with the editors to ensure that the translation is correct and stays true to the original raws.

Most of the work is still done by the translator, but editing and tlcing can occasionally be quite tedious. Example below: a certain paragraph from chapter 235 which required a lot of editing and tlcing by me, which is shown in green- the original translation by Kun is the black text.

gdw screenshot

To apply: please contact me via email at [removed], stating which position you’re applying for, approximately how much you can do per week, any previous experience and your level of translating/editing/tlcing.

Having a gmail account would be most preferred, since most of our work is done on google drive.

I know that a few readers have already expressed their interest in wanting to help, but here is the official recruitment post. Please do re-contact me so that all applications are in the same place!

Regarding donations: they can be split appropriately if anyone applying wants to make some extra cash 😀

Obviously, increasing our numbers will mean that GDW chapters are released faster. Also, I get to work on more side projects hehe…



edit: I forgot to mention this, but skilled MTLers are also welcome. Requirements for MTLers are basically the same as those for normal TLers, except an extra TLCer would probably be needed.